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Finally, Competence is Over Gender in India

November 13, 2021 | Saturday
This Wednesday, India caught all the eyes on it, by "THE BIG MOVE" that has been made that women are now inducted as permanent commission in Defence Academy through the NDA and Naval Academy. This decision was the path-breaking for the generation reforms which was taken by the Centre.

And if you will ask me, I would say being a girl...I felt some pride, not just because of allowing strong female cadets but also because being the most powerful and strong forces of India on whose shoulders I rely my safety has finally considered this level of equality.

But, here the question arises that Why do we need to celebrate this kind of news say it as a “Big Move”. Well, I mean isn’t it something very basic? This means we are celebrating that women are being allowed in for a certain post in the country’s defence system that is considered as a symbol of strength. We are living in a country where women have always been standing strong, fighting bravely. Whether she is Nur Jahan or Rani Laxmi Bai, Razia Sultana or Rudrama Devi, they have been proving themselves equal in every single given opportunity.

After reading so much in history, still we need to give something that’s supposed to be very conceptual. But I guess, the strength division between the genders has been defined since the start of human civilization. Having the majority of the physical strength or you can say the more muscle power made “Males” a breadwinner of the family while “Females” a homemaker for their good management skills. As society developed more, the masculine power took the charge of safety and protection that somehow gave them the idea of being more superior.

But the time is changing, women too are getting their desired share of interest in every field. From working on a construction site to fighting in the wrestling ring at the Olympics, women are excelling every day. Thanks to the growth in the socio-economic status advanced technologies have made sure of providing good & healthy nutritional diet for every being that some way or the other strengthening the physical power and quality education is making better minds for the future.

Being 50% of the human population, treating women equally gives an impetus to the development of society as a whole. But sadly, the term “Women Empowerment” is understood as a very narrow terms in today’s world, rather it should be understood as enabling people, especially women to acquire and possess power resources in order to make decisions on their own or resist decisions made by others that affect them. When we talk about women's empowerment we are actually giving a synonymous name as the complete development of society.

Now it seems, we are at the dawn of the new age – The Age of Equality, The competence, The Age of Knowledge, The Age of Power and above of all The Age of righteousness. As Noted French Fashion Designer, Coco Chanel once said, “A girl should be two things: Who and What she wants?”

As I conclude, let’s make competence a benchmark rather than concentrating on the particular gender empowerment by “allowing” them. Competence provides the capacities & Capabilities of candidates. If you are competent enough you are welcome to a certain otherwise you are well qualified for what you have always liked…

I wish all the young female cadets Good Luck! for their blossoming careers. Start prepping for the Competition with Arihant’s Defence Examination Collections.